小鱼寄语:Brittany Pienta平日里是个不苟言笑的人,似乎和她为人处世坚持自己的原则有关。她是个有主心骨的人的,她认为应该坚持的事情自己绝不会退让,同时她想对那些想和她一样拥有好身材的人说:“不练肌肉想变toned,没门。”对那些三天打鱼两天晒网的人,表示了嫌弃。在前途未卜的时候,很多人会找借口,松懈。但对于这次2018 NPC National的比赛,她未雨绸缪坚持拼搏,自己拿主意坚定形体塑造,最终换来了职业卡,正是她坚持自我的一次胜利。让我们一起期待她的职业首秀吧。
走近百大冠军第239期Brittany Pienta(IFBB BIKINI PRO):培养自律,做你需要做的事情,即使你不想做。Develop self discipline.Do what needs to be done, even if you don't want to do it.
当有人不练肌肉想变toned,我会嫌弃你。(Toned指的是一种“有肌肉线条但肌肉块儿并不大”的状态,"get toned"有可能是妹子们最想达到的体型状态。)My face when someone asks me how to get to"get toned" without building any muscle.
警惕“仅此一次”的想法。很多时候,仅仅这一次就会变成第二次、第三次和第四次的欺骗,或是错过有氧运动,或是错过锻炼。A lot of times just this once turns into a second, third, and fourth cheat,or missed cardio session, or skipped workout.Careful with the just this once mind set.
你唯一伤害的人是你自己。不是你的教练,不是你的朋友,在乎自己,成为更好的你。and the only person you're hurting is yourself. Not your coach,not your friends watching your journey,YOU. Be better... for YOU.
2018年,当我决定再次登上舞台的时候,我希望这回我能拿到职业卡,我和我的教练都不知道下一场比赛在何方。2018 when I decided I wanted to hit the stage again-but with hopes of going pro this time. Matt and I had no idea when my next show would be.
我告诉教练,在考虑比赛的事情之前,我只想单纯地专注于塑造我形体的挺拔。I just told him I simply wanted to focus on building my physique back up before even thinking about competing.
七月份,我的体重达到了151.8磅,教练告诉我我可以开始备赛了。In July I hit my heaviest weight of 151. 8lbs, which is when Matt told me I was ready to start my prep.
在2018年11月NPC National的比赛当天,我的舞台体重大概是129磅。万事俱备,我们拿到了职业卡!We got me down to 127.2lbs the morning of show day (On stage I think I was 129lbs?)which is of course when everything came together bc wecame out with a pro card!