一句话瑜伽,第275期Megan(健身教练):每个人都在追求那些最终的结果,但是大多数人忘记去享受这段旅程。Everyone is after those end results, but most forget to enjoy the journey.
当我锻炼身体机动性的时候,我微笑面对,在奔跑后阳光下的间歇,我汗如雨下。Having a giggle while working on my mobility, as the sweat is literally dripping off me after my running intervals in the sun.
健身对我来说永远是一种福气,我的身体不运动不舒服。Fitness will always be a blessing to me, and it 's often I sit back to appreciate the badass shit I’ve taught my body to do.
有点马不停蹄,忍者弓步和单腿手枪深蹲接踵而至。Kinda like stopping to smell to roses but with ninja lunges &pistol squats.
反思你的身体和精神走了多远,这是享受人生旅途的最佳方式之一;Reflecting on how far you've come, physically and mentally, is one of the best ways to enjoy your journey;
听着80年代的音乐,在每组间隙来段热舞。a long with putting on 80s music and having a dance between sets.
不管你多么不遗余力,我希望你经常这样做。However you wish to enjoy the ride, I hope you do so often.