走近百大冠军第176期Lisa(健体选手):不要用我的成功来评断我。Don 't judge me by my successes.
请看我有多次跌倒以及多少次爬起来。judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.
人们只看到我的荣耀,却看不到获得荣耀背后需要什么。People only see my glory but they don't see what it took to get there.
不要被别人的意见左右,记住我们都有同样的机会去拼搏。Rise above all the judgement of those around you and remember that we all have the same opportunities to hustle.
我们每天都有同样的24小时来改变自己和他人的生活。We all have the same 24 hours in a day to make a difference in our ownlives and in the lives of others.
即使你觉得自己不断失败,被击倒。Even if you feel you keep falling and getting knocked down.
要知道,你的毅力、决心和顽强的精神会让你比以前飞得更高。know that your perseverance, determination and abominable spirit will allow you to rise above even higher than before .
我相信自己还有你。I believe in me and you.