走近百大冠军156期Katelyn(WBFF健身小姐):当一朵花不开花时,你要修复它生长的环境,而不仅是花朵。When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, Not the flower.
意思是说,当花不能开的时候,我们不能只把花送去修复,我们不会只告诉花,你要自己坚强。Meaning when the flower is not blooming, we just don't send the flower off to therapy, we don't tell that flower it needs to get its act together or else.
我们需要做的是看看生长系统的其他部分…What we need to do is look at the other parts of the system...
因此,我们改变光照或水,我们要检查土壤。So, we change the amount of sunlight or water, we check the soil.
理想的花朵,阳光,水和土壤,所有这些都会进入考虑,我们会讨论每个部分,但严肃地说,我们必须停止把责任片面的归咎于任何系统的某个其他部分。I deally the flower, sun, water and soil would all come into therapy and we'd talk about each part but seriously we have to stop placing blame on other parts of any system.
如果有人挣扎的问自己,你可以做些什么改变?Check the environment, if someone is struggling ask yourself what YOU could be doing differently?
如果你在挣扎,记得不要独自承受。and if you are struggling, know it is not all on you only.
如果我们能开始改进我们的整体,我们的环境,小的方面也会更好。我期待女性健美的大环境会越来越好。If we can start improving our systems, our environments,the parts would all do better.I expect women's bodybuilding environment will become better and better.