一句话瑜伽,第249期Alissa:有时候(很多时候)它会(它会的)让我难以接纳更多的爱。Sometimes (a lot) it can be(it is) difficult for me to embrace how much love I can let in.
有人懂我吗?Does anyone feel me?
像似某些东西太多了,所以你倾向于把它推开,站在原地的你,也许陷入了循环的漩涡?Like it's too much so you tend to push it away by staying where you're at, stuck in the circle Spiral maybe?
你觉得这些东西是什么?What do you feel it is?
换到过去我也会这样,但最近(鉴于我越来越老?)我开始患得患失了。I use to feel the power in me as a Now, but lately(perspective as I'm getting older?) it's like I missed my chance.
有人有这样的感觉吗?(在这里插入鼓励的咒语)也许这些感觉是黑暗的(令人坐立不安)。Does anyone feel like that? (Insert encouraging mantra here)So maybe these feelings are dark (uncomfortable to sit with).
但是自省和承认会引导我走出这个循环。But introspection and acknowledgment will lead me out of the cycle.
这不是一个事件的负面性,而是我如何体验情感认知的感觉,这极具颠覆性。It's not the negativity of an event, but how you experience the perceived sensations that will make all the difference.
走出二元对立陷阱,做一个悖论女孩。Neutrality in duality, Be the paradox girl.