近百大冠军143期Olivia:我第一次参加了加拿大健美联盟比赛。在2018年8月13日多伦多CanFitPro比赛中,有幸参加了新手组和比基尼B组。I competed in my first canadian physique alliance competition.I had the opportunity to compete in two classes-Novice&Bikini B at the canfitpronaturals 2018 in Toronto at the CanFitPro Expo.
我准备了大约12到14个星期,只为登台的一天。作为一个热切的体育爱好者,我不得不承认,赛前准备已经改变了我的视角,并教会了比我预期的更多的东西。I prepped for approximately 12-14weeks all to step on stage for one day. As an avid gym goer, I have to admit competition prep has changed my perspective and taught me more than I ever expected.
有很多话要说,没有言语可以描述我的感觉。我将不会忘记,我带着三个头衔离开。There is so much to say, no caption could justify the feelings I have. To walk away with three titles is a something I will never forget.
新手组冠军,比基尼B组冠军以及全场冠军,真是难以置信的经历。Being awarded lst in Novice, Bikini B AND Overall is a seriously indescribable experience.
在过去的7个月里,经历了很多的起伏,我不能再多的感谢我的家人、朋友和支持者。There have been so many ups and downs over the past 7months and I cannot thank my family, friends and supporters more.
我还想向尼基塔(健美选手)大喊,总是扶持我,尤其是在我最后几个星期的备赛。I also want to shout out to nikita_ pntgn for always having my back especially in my last weeks of prep.
最后,一个大大的yes给这件炫目的宝石蓝比基尼。我对健身的热爱和激情是无药可救的,我从未想到会对踏上舞台充满激情。Lastly, a big YAAASSS for crafting this stuning Sapphire suit. My devotion and passion for fitness is irrevocable and I never expected to feel this passionate about stepping on stage.
我爱舞台上的每一秒;我的神经、肾上腺素、自我意识在我展示的时候,感觉来到了天空之城。I loved every single second; the nerves, the adrenaline, the sense of self I had while presenting I felt at home up there.
真的迫不及待地在National这个级别的舞台上再续辉煌。Truly cannot wait to do it all again on a National level stage.