一句话瑜伽,第236期Kim:也许你在瑜伽课上经常会听到“放松”。Letting go is something which you probably hear often in a yoga class.
这听起来有点模糊,这不是你一下子能做到的事情。It sounds kind of vague maybe and it isn't something that you can do all of a sudden.
也许当你听到它的时候,它会让你沮丧,而你的头脑只是停留在一片混乱中。Maybe it frustrates you when you hear it and your mind just stays a big chaos.
放松并不容易。Letting go isn't meant to be easy.
这是一个漫长的过程,可以通过专注的瑜伽练习来完成。It's a long process that can be accomplished through dedicated yoga practice.
你越练习,心灵就会发现更多的平静。The mind will find more stillness the more you practice.
这是关于接受事物,腾出一个位置,与感觉相处,平静下来。It is about accepting things, give it a place, cope with sensations and calm down natuarally.
把握自己的时间,耐心等待,不要心急。Take your own time and be patient with it.Don't think it happens instantly.
因为“放松”是门艺术,它是你的必修课。because the art of letting go is the process you take to get there.