一句话瑜伽,第238期Myca:让我对别人说“不”总是很难的。I've always found saying no to people so hard.
我认为这是因为我胆小,但现在我意识到这是因为我讨厌不必要的冲突,我有严重的避轻就重倾向。I thought it was because I'm timid.But now I realized it is because I hate unmecessary confrontations and I have severe emphatic tendencies.
但我也意识到,比起帮助我它更伤害我,所以我一直在努力掌握“不”的艺术。But I also realized that it's hurting me more than helping me so I have been working hard mastering the art of saying no.
在过去的十年里,我坚定了这一点,但最近我认为我在这方面已经做得更好了。I've toughened up the last decade that's for sure but recently I think I've gotten a lot better at it.
就像今天晚上,我终于拒绝了榴莲卖家,因为他拒绝为我打开水果。Like,tonight-I finally said NO to the Durian seller after he refused to open the fruit for me.
哈哈(说给那些不知道的人,在新加坡,昂贵的榴莲必须完全打开,这样顾客才能放心买到好吃的榴莲)。LOL.(For those who don't know, in SG, expensive Durian has to be opened fully so the buyer can rest assured it's in good eat-able condition ).
我被阴了很多次,最后和坏的榴莲一起回家。I've been stung way too many times and ended up going home with bad Durians.
当形势所逼,有时候我们需要说不。Sometimes we just have to say NO when the situation calls for it.