走近百大冠军129期Magdalena:成功是积少成多的结果——日复一日。Sucess is the sum of small efforts- repeated day in and day out.
这是一颗竭尽所能的赤子之心,成功不是偶然的。It is a piece of mind in knowing you did your best.Success is no accident.
健美是艰苦的,毅力,学习,求知,牺牲,最重要的是,热爱你正在做的或学习的。Bodybuilding is hard work, perseverance,learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learing to do.
你必须有激情,我心中的健美之火燃烧着每一个清醒的时刻。You must have passion,that fire of bodybuildingwithin me that burns every waking moment.
找到让你心动的东西,并朝着它努力。健美总是令我怦然心动。Find that something that makes your heart skip a beat and work towards it.Bodybuilding always makes my heart beat.
追逐你的梦想,设定目标,并有足够强大的内心去获得它们。一切皆有可能!每个人都能在生活中成就大事。Chase your dreams, set goals and have the mental capacity to obtain them.Sky is the limit for us!!Every single one of you can achieve big things in life.
经历、成功、失败…它们都让我们变得更好。我认为在最艰难的时候我成长得最快。不管是否取得好成绩,健美仍是我内心最深处最重要的东西。Experiences,successes, failure....they all make us better.I think i have grown the most during my hardest times.Whether or not I get good grades, fitness is still the most important thing in my heart.
是我的失败使我更加努力。我知道我做的远远不够,我的心感觉到了。与你的心灵和谐一致,它在告诉你…拥抱它!It was my failures that pushed me harder.Iknew I was not done.I felt it in my heart. Be in tune with your mind. It talks to you...embrace it!