一句话瑜伽,第209期Yesenia:更深的后弯让我感到窒息。这很奇怪:因为后弯,我们在肺和胸有更多的空间,那么呼吸应该更容易。Deeper backbends feel suffocating to me.It's so weird because in backbends we make more space in the lungs and chest, then it should be easier to breathe.
由于我们身体的风吹草动会通过我们的情绪表现出来。It is because everything in our physical body ismanifestedthrough our emotions.
愤怒,恐惧,我们的坏情绪会让我们的姿势有点防御性。防御型姿势是耸肩,收脖子,护胸以及无精打采。Anger, fear our bad emotions are a few that makes our posture defensive.Defensive posture is hunching the shoulders, tight neck, closed chest andslouching.
当防御型姿势保持很长一段时间时,胸部、颈部和肩部肌肉会变得很紧。When the defensive posture ismaintainedfor a really long time the muscles in the chest, neck and shoulders become really tight.
所以,当我试着更深入地向后弯曲时,我感到非常困难,不能呼吸。So, it's not a surprise that when I try to go deeper into backbends I feel it extremely difficult and not able to breathe.
我并没有这么多愤怒,但有很多的恐惧。很多!I don't have stored anger so much but have a lot of fear.A lot!
很显然瑜伽不会止于瑜伽垫。它超越了垫子,垫子之外有瑜伽。It's clear that yoga does not ends at the mat. It's beyond the mat.Before and after the mat.
如果一个人开始有意识地处理他们的恐惧(和/或其他情绪),他们会更容易的后弯,反之亦然。保持呼吸!If one starts consciously working on their fears( and/or other emotions), they can experience easier backbends andvice versa.Keep Breathing!