走近百大冠军115期Mchelle Hurst:我们都为冠军而来,但不会仅仅因为你没有得到奖杯/奖牌,就意味着你就输了。We all compete to win. But just because you didn't receive a trophy/medal, doesn't mean you didn't win.
这就是我看事情的方式……每次我上台,我就赢了。我赢,因为我付出了一切。This is how I look at things...... Every time I step on stage,IWIN. l win because I gave it my all.
我赢,因为我的身体和精神都得到了提高。我赢,因为当事情变得艰难时,我变得更加坚强。I win because I've improved not only physically but mentally. I win because when the going gets tough, I get tougher.
我赢是因为我一直在学习。我赢是因为我没有放弃且不将放弃。I win because I' m always learning. I win because I didnt give up and will not give up.
我赢是因为我可以和所有的人分享舞台。我赢是因为我能做我喜欢的事情。I win because I get to share the stage with all champions. I win because I m able to do what I love.
我赢是因为我不会怀疑自己的能力。我赢是因为这使我高兴。我赢是因为我能鼓舞和激励他人。I win because I don't doubt my capabilities. I win because this makes me happy. I win because I can inspire and motivate others.
我已经度过了难以置信的2018赛季,但现在,是时候偃旗息鼓了。I 've had an incredible 2018 season but for now, it's time to hang up the dancing shoes.
这是苦乐参半,我分数排名目前在2018奥林匹亚20强之外,但在二月到七月的8场比赛之后,我的身体需要一些必要的休息,这样我就可以在2019赛季继续取得更大的进步。It's bitter sweet as I' m currently just outside the top 20 in Olympia qualification points for 2018, but after competing in 8 shows from Feb-July, my body needs some much needed break so that I can keep on making more improvements for the 2019 season.
但根据我的实际情况:非赛季开始前,我将在九月份再参加一场比赛。But before my actual :improvement season starts, I will compete in one more show in September.