走近百大冠军110期Marcia(比基尼):事情太多许多人会自乱阵脚,手无缚鸡之力怎能行。many people put difficulties in everything and say they want something but not power.
你可以克服和挑战自己。But you can overcome and challenge yourself.
即使我在三个健身房从事了三年的工作,我已经6年没出去浪了,我每周工作7天,每天工作8到12个小时,因为我要把我所有赚来的钱投入到我的比赛中去。Even though I worked for 3 years working in 3 gyms, I did not take vacations for 6 years, I worked 7 days a week for 8-12 hours, because I invested all my workmoney in my competitions.
甚至今天还有几个小时的工作,为我的客户的进行训练课程,有时不得不在早上4点醒来进行有氧训练,好比今天早上6点,我的第一个客户已经来敲门了。and even today working for hours, my clients' training sessions and sometimes having to wake up at 4 am to do my cardio because as soon as 6 am I already have my first client of the day.
即使这样,我不会因为美中不足而道歉,我问心无愧,在比赛中与20多个非常高水平的选手同台竞技。even then I have never apologized for not being able to do anything, and even so I have gotten over it and in my shows competing with 20 more athletes of very highlevel.
我从来没有参加过一个不到20名运动员的比赛,哇,任务越多责任越大,我愈挫愈勇。你要好好和我学学。I never did a show with less than 20 athletes, wow,and always overcoming me and feeling strong for not falling even with so manytasks and responsabilities you shall chase me.
拒绝失败,如果你内心强大,你会看到你的伟大和力量,你必须每天挑战自己,从而变得更好。refuse to fail, if you look well inside you will see your greatness and strength, you must challenge yourself every day and thus become better.
相信你。你是伟大的,你值得拥有这个世界!believe in you. Y ou are great and you deserve the world!