一句话瑜伽,第342期Cathy:我来这里是为了数沙子吗?小时候我爸爸告诉我,像这么多的沙子,其实媲美了天上的星星。Just over here counting grains of sand? When I was a child my father would tell me there were as many grains of sand as there were stars in the universe.
它让我同时感到渺小和不可思议。关于沙子的数量的思考,有时候会给我很大的冲击。It made me feel simultaneously insignificant and miraculous.Sometimes it can feel overwhelming knowing there are so many specs of sand.
有这么多人存在这个星球上,有这么多星星在茫茫的宇宙中,但也很好地提醒了我们,我们都是这么的重要。so many people on this planet, so many stars in the universe, but it also is a good reminder of just how important we all are.lt's ok to feel seemingly contradictory things about, well, anything in your life.
任何生活中的事情,让你有矛盾的感觉,都是正常的。事物都存在正反两面,我们需要全面地去看待问题。Bothsides of the coin have lessons and you can't separate them to understand things fully.
渺小的感觉让我像孩子一样谦虚,也激励我努力变得更好。Feeling insignificant kept me humble as a child and also motivated me to strive to be better.
把生命当成奇迹,让我小小年纪就知道了感恩。Feeling that my life was a miracle taught me gratitude at a young age.
这些感悟让我走上了一条精神之路。我爸爸没有教给我这些,也没有人或者事情是真正能引起你积极或者消极的情绪的。all of it put me on a spiritual path.My father didn't intend these lesson on me, and neither is the person or thing triggering your positive Or negative feelings necessarily.
下次如果有些事情引起了你复杂的情绪,不要偏执于事情的一面,收容所有情绪,去体验你的意识转变。Next time something happens that gives you mixed emotions, resist the urge to cling to oneside. Hold space for all the feels and experience a shift in your awareness.