走近百大冠军第253期Rachel Killam(IFBB FIGURE PRO):“心胜于物”是一个短语,它实质上是指一个人运用意志力克服环境局限的能力。Mind over matter is a phrase that essentially refers to one's ability to use willpower over physical limitations.
我们的心灵可以克服来自环境的考验。The mind is capable of accomplishing infinite limitations brought on by the environment.
无论是身体上还是精神上的局限,都阻碍我们充分发挥潜能。The limitations whether physical or mental hinder us from reaching our full potential.
因此,对我们而言重要的是,要相信我们取得成功的决心和毅力,是无与伦比的。Therefore, it is important for us to believe that we are nothing less than powerful in our determination and grit to succeed.
千言万语化作一张图。当我被宣布为IFBB职业卡获胜者的时候,我仍然感到回首往事时,那种强烈的情绪是疯狂的。Pictures say a 1000 words. The intensity of emotions I still feel looking back at and during these moments when I was announced as the IFBB Pro Card Winner are insane.
我在舞台上放声大哭。如今谈起那次胜利,我依旧不能自已,我甚至在写这篇文章的时候流着眼泪!I was just bawling on stage. I still can't even talk about it without choking up, l'm even tearing up as I write this post !
我努力了很久,一直朝着这个目标努力,现在仍然感觉很不真实。几乎就像我以为我永远不会真正到达那里,但我知道我永远不会放弃。l've worked so hard and long towards this goal, it still feels so surreal.. Almost like I thought l'd never actually get there but knew I'd never give up.
你们所有人对我的支持和爱让我与有荣焉!The support and love I've been shown from all of you makes my heart burst!