小鱼寄语:职业气质形体选手Rakel Ramos表达了自己对健美的看法,那些约定俗成标准、规定以及人们的观念,似乎都无法左右她对自己形体的看法。她认为自己是个独一无仁的个体,讨厌和别人做比较,不想成为一个为了追求名次而失去个性的人。她不想让自己的形体变得千篇一律,不想成为俗气的复制品。甚至与冠军无缘,她也毫不在乎,因为她觉得做最好的自己胜过一切。
走近百大冠军第237期Rakel Ramos(IFBB FIGURE PRO):如果说,有一件我讨厌的事,那就是当你把我和别人做比较,我喜欢独一无二,真棒!if there's one thing I hate is when you compare me to someone,I like being unique, it's so good!
我从来不想看起来像别人,我的形体,我的个性,我的身体,我要我自己的一切。I never want to look like someone other than me, my physique, my personality, my body, I want everything exactly the same as myself.
关于我的形体,我不想让它看起来千篇一律,我希望它看起来像我,但是,是那个尽善尽美的我。about my physique I do not want him to look like the physicist of the champion I want him to be seems like my own, but in a better and better version of myself.
我不想成为一个打败别人的复制品,我要让人输的心服口服。I do not want to beat the other being a replica, I want to beat the other with the best of myself.
这就是比赛的乐趣,当我说我相信自己的时候,就是我准备好了的那一天。this is the delight of the game, and when I say I believe in myself is that the day that I get there where I am preparing to be.
做最好的自己,即便变成“前冠军”。I will be not the ex champion, but as I am, but in my best version.
从孩提时代起,我总是个性十足,也许这就是人们发现我与众不同的原因,真棒!Since I was a child I have always had personality, maybe that's what makes people find me so different from other people. How nice !