小鱼寄语:回首2018年赛季,Missy一共参加了7场IFBB职业健美比赛。分别在Hawaii Pro和Legion Sports Festival两场比赛中拿到冠军。每场比赛她都尽心尽力,那时奥林匹亚迫在眉睫,她预感到自己会排在前5名。一言既出,她通过自己惊人的意志力和努力,拿到第四名的好成绩。然而这样的结果并没有让她满足,她表示成为奥林匹亚健身小姐才是她真正的目标。她若有所指地说道:“17岁那个天真烂漫的年纪,是我最孤独的时候,瘦弱的我遭受了霸凌。如今的我已今非昔比。我岂能善罢甘休,总有一天我会成为奥林匹亚健身小姐。”这种不依不饶的精神,确实令人生畏。让我们一起看看她说了些什么。
走近百大冠军第236期Missy(IFBB FITNESS PRO):你为何要开始健美?我几乎每天都被问到这个问题。Why did you start bodybuilding? I get that question almost everyday.
我17岁时就开始和哥哥一起去健身房,大部分时间我都会逃课和他一起训练。I started going to the gym with my older brother when I was 17, most days I would skip class to train with him.
我讨厌高中,我被霸凌,我努力在社交上得到人们的认同。l hated high school and how much I was bullied and I struggled trying to identity with people on a social level.
我也不像现在一样自信以及信仰基督。I also didn't have the confidence l have now in Christ and who I AM today.
也许逃学不是正确的答案,但我知道,在如此天真烂漫的年纪,我感觉最孤独的时候,我在训练中找到了力量和信心,Maybe skipping school isn' t the right answer but I do know that during those times where l felt most alone at such a young and innocent age I found strength and confidence in training.
我已今非昔比。我告诉自己,总有一天我会成为奥林匹亚健身小姐。今年的奥林匹亚我排名第四,我在努力让它发生。Now the shoe is on the other foot. I have to change.I told myself that one day l would be Ms. Fitness Olympia. and this year I placed 4th and l'm putting in the work to make it happen.
如果你正在读这篇文章,你只要知道,如果你把心思放在某件事上,明白没有人可以粉碎你的精神或梦想,你必须继续相信并为了自己完成这件事!lf you're reading this just know that if you put your mind to something know that NO ONE can crush your spirit or dreams you have to keep on believing and do it for yourself!
除非你停止尝试和放弃,否则你不会失败。You don't lose unless you stop trying and quit.