小鱼寄语:Sanjana Dalak作为第52届亚洲健美健身锦标赛(ABBF)形体组的冠军,这个冠军对她甚至印度人来说意义非凡。因为52年以来,她是ABBF此类别中,首位夺冠的印度人。她表示,这次的胜利不仅是荣誉本身,也代表了印度人女人的“改变”与“决心”。面对各种反对的声音,她以快乐为切入点娓娓道来,改变人们的固有观念并且以身作则,做一个快乐的健美女人。
走近百大冠军第231期Sanjana Dalak:我健身,我快乐。让身体和心理同时迎接新的快乐是我的一个综合任务。快乐是迈向成功的第一步。Happiness with my over all fitness.A combination of tasks meant to make me physically and mentally fit to receive this new boost of happiness.Happiness is the first step towards success.
健美不仅指身体上的,而且指一个人的心理状态。Fitness does not only refer to being physically fit, but also refers to a person's mental state aswell.
如果一个人身体健美,但精神不好或出问题,他或她将无法正常工作生活。If a person is physically fit, but mentally unwell or troubled, he or she will not be able to function optimally.
花点时间想想你的朋友和家人,他们都在奔波忙碌。有些在事业或者学业上拼搏,有些则是更专注于自己的兴趣。Take a quick moment to think about your friends and family members who all take part in different activities.Some of them work hard on their careers or study while for others, spending time on their hobbies is much more important.
这些人当中,有人陷入身体或者心理问题,他们费尽心机只是为了让事情变好。Some of these individuals may be suffering from a serious physical or mental illness and as a result,devote most or all of their energy on simply trying to get better.
似乎我们奔波忙碌的原因,和事情一样五花八门。It may seem that the reasons why we engage in these activities are as various as the activities themselves.
但你凑近一看你会发现,在我们所做一切的背后,我们都有一个共同的目标:快乐。but if you take a closer look,you will realize that behind everything we do, we all have one and the same goal in mind: to be happy.