走近百大冠军第231期Brookeence(健身达人):醒来时渴望这种感觉,进步和努力的感觉。Woke up craving this feeling,the feeling of progress and hard work.
在锻炼的时候,所有你要做的是选择前进而不是停止,把消极的想法变成积极的想法。The moment in a workout where all you have to do is make a choice to push instead of stop,to change the negative thoughts to positive ones.
一门心思地保持积极性,让心率开始变得舒畅,这是锻炼让我觉得最难能可贵的时刻。My most favorite part of a workout is the moment your heart rate begins to get comfortable while being uncomfortable and auto pilot turns on,giving your mind only one thing to do and that is stay positive.
抛开这个好处,我知道整个训练都是痛苦的哈哈哈,是的,它从来没有让我感觉松懈,但事实上我确实做到了。ALL OF THIS ASIDE, yes I know the entire workout is painful hahaha and yes it never feels like you settle or relax but you in fact do.
我喜欢这样安慰自己:该有的苦都经历过了还怕什么,所以现在就咬咬牙,这样你才有收获,明天才会更好。I like to think of it like this:You're not going to hurt anymore than you already do,so endure it now so you can make gains and be better tomorrow.
这只是我在2018年Crossfit比赛期间许多想法中的一个。这类自我喊话也许对你无效,没事的。this is just one of many thoughts I had during the 2018 Crossfit Games OPEN.This type of:self talk may not work for you,and that's ok.
找到适合你的方法,激发你更加努力地去尝试。这样的练习将帮助你完成更多的事情,而不仅仅是锻炼或比赛。Find what works for you and fires you up to try harder.This practice will help you in FAR more things than just a workout or competition.
记住——当我们对身体和心灵进行正确的训练时,它们将会报以难以置信的改变。remember- it 's incredible how our bodies and minds can change when we apply the right training and practice to them.