一句话瑜伽,第293期Aylin:这很常见(忽视心理健康),可能是任何人都会遇到的事。It's so common,it could be anyone.
麻烦的是,没有人愿意谈论这件事,这使一切变得更糟。The troubleis,nobody wants to talk about it.And that makes everything worse.
你的心理健康和身体健康一样重要,甚至更重要。Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, or, actually even more important.
你的心灵控制着你的身体,比我们想象的要多。Your mind controls your body way more than we ever wanted to know.
这就是一切开始的地方。常言道:“从一个想法开始。”This is where everything begins."Begin with a thought"they say.
你的心灵影响着你周围的一切。Your mind affects everything around you.
照顾好自己,平常心面对。Take care of yourself.It's okay not to be okay.
爱自己从喜欢自己开始,从尊重自己开始,从积极的看待自己开始。Loving yourself starts with liking yourself,which starts with respecting yourself,which starts withthinking of yourself in positive ways.