一句话瑜伽,第298期Sandy Rosenthal:25个年来,我笃定自己永远都不够好。For something like 25 years I believed that I would never be good enough.
我是丑陋的,不讨人喜欢的,可恨的,愚蠢的,一事无成,不协调,不受欢迎,不时尚。凡是你想得到的(都是)。I was ugly, unlikeable,hateful,dumb,"bad at" this and that,uncoordinated, unpopular, unstylish.You name it.
我有一个小本本,一直坚持记录它们。I had a and I was sticking to it.
在大量的自我发现之后,老实说奇迹发生了,我的天亮了——大约三年前,我笃定总有一天我会变得足够好。An immense amount of self discovery and honestly, what straight up feels like miracles took place and I begin to see a light- and for something like 3 years I believed that someday I would finally be good enough.
我会足够优秀,足够有趣,足够漂亮,足够聪明,足够可爱以及善良——杰出。I would be be cool enough, funny enough, pretty enough, wise enough, lovingand kind enough- worthy.
然后,在去年的某个时刻,我意识到我是优秀的,我已经名副其实,一直都是。And then,at some point within the last year- I realized- I already am.Always was.
这是我真实的故事。就在我写完这篇文章的时候,我不想献丑,但是义不容辞。This is my true story. right as I finished writing this, I contemplated not sharing it,thinking woah even for me that's an honest post...
然后巨大的泡泡漂浮在我的第七层阳台上。and then giant bubblesfloated by my 7th story balcony.