走近百大冠军第192期Corin(NPC Bikini):作为人类,我们还远不够完美。As human beings,we are far from perfect.
我们会犯错,有时也会屡教不改。We make mistakes, and sometimes repeatedly.
但重要的是我们从这些错误中吸取教训,继续前进。But what's important is that we learn from those mistakes and move on.
我知道我最近在短时间内犯了很多错误。I know I recently made a ton of mistakes in a short amount of time.
我花了一段时间才意识到,是什么让我不计后果的采取行动,以及这些行为会给别人造成的影响。It took me a while to realize what I was going through was causing me to not take precaution with my actions and how these actions might affect others.
但现在我正在收拾残局,学会从错误中吸取教训。But now I'm picking up the pieces and learning to actually learn from my mistakes.
虽然以上的表达很模糊,但我希望它能在某种程度上对你有所帮助。So while this caption is vague,I hope it helps ya in some way.
因为我正在意识到我是多么的不完美,如何为我的错误行为道歉,以及如何用所学到的教训继续前进。because I' m realizing how non-perfect I am, how to apologize for my wrong doings, and how to move on with what lessons I learned.