一句话瑜伽,第292期Natalia:你热爱什么?我年轻的时候缺乏热情,这让我很烦恼。What are you passionate about?When I was younger, I never had a passion.And it bothered me.
我的所有朋友在玩乐器或者做一些运动,亦或是其他什么事情。我的前男友曾经给我办了一个健身房会员,因为他觉得我需要一个爱好。我并不渴望或者雄心勃勃地去学一些东西。All my friends were playing an instrument or did some kind of a sport or something else.My ex boyfriend once got me a gym membership because he felt like I needed a hobby.I wasn't eager or ambitious to learn something.
然后我发现了瑜伽,在某些时刻,我意识到我对它有多热爱。Then I found yoga and at some point I realized how passionate I am about it.
在某种程度上,我沉迷于它的精神的部分,现在我痴迷于我的练习、水晶、月相、自我护理、护肤品等等。At some point I dove into the spiritual part of it and now I'm obsessed with my practice, crystals, moon phases, self care, skin care products and so much more.
不过我总是享受烘焙,对我来说,烘焙就像是治疗一样。我真的很高兴事情发生了变化,我感觉自己脱胎换骨。I always enjoyed baking though and it's been almost like therapy for me.I'm really glad on how things changed.I feel like I' m this new person.
充满热情和积极性。瑜伽肯定帮助我成为一个更好的版本。Passionate and very motivated.Yoga definitely helped me to become a better version of myself.
你呢?你喜欢做什么?你的工作是你热爱的吗?或者你想找一个能做你热爱事情的事业吗?What about you? What do you enjoy doing? Is your job something you're passionate about?Or are you trying to find a career where you're able to do what you're passionate about?
最近这些想法一直萦绕在我的脑海中,我很想听听你的故事。Those thoughts have been in my head lately.I'm curious to hear your story!