一句话瑜伽,第293期Louisa Melzow:我们从敞开心扉说起。We start with any heart opener.
敞开心扉既是身体上的,也是精神上的。Opening your heart has both, a physical and a mental part.
你可以在你的思想和情感中敞开心扉,但是你也可以体验在身体上敞开心扉的感觉。You can open your heart in your thoughts and emotions but you can also experience opening the heart space in your physical body.
这意味着打开你胸部中心的胸骨、胸腔和背部的脊椎。It means opening up your chest aka the sternum, rib cage and the spine in the back.
如果你的心脏空间僵硬,肺不能完全扩张,你难以获得畅快的呼吸。If your heart space is stiff your lungs won't be able to expand completely to receive a deep, full breath.
如果你的胸部正在塌陷,你的身心灵可能会随之萎靡。If your chest is caving in, your heart and mind a probably going along with it.
所以打开你的胸膛和心扉去感受生活中所有的美丽和爱,并向我们展示你可爱的微笑。So open up your chest and your heart to all the beauty and love in life and show us your lovely smile.