走近百大冠军第184期Lauren(IFBB Bikini Pro):人们问我,我是如何在非赛季保持训练的动机的?People ask me how I stay so motivated to train in the improvement season ?
我的答案是我不再需要动机了。The answer is I don 't need motivation anymore.
现在已经成了我的习惯。它刻在我身上,如果我不训练,我会感觉不舒服。It 's a habit of mine now. It's engraved in me and I would feel off if I didn 't train.
老实说,这只是我日常生活的一部分,比如刷牙或者梳头。It' s honestly just part of my regular routine like brushing my teeth or brushing my hair.
另一个巨大的因素是我的原因。Another huge factor is my WHY.
我想完虐我过去的身体,我唯一能做的就是在我的非赛季。I want to BLOWWW my past physique out of the water and the only way I can do that is in my improvement season.
当你的卡路里过剩,这是一段足够长的时间来塑造你的肌肉。It's taking a long enough time off from the stage and building muscle when your in a surplus of calories.
因为我的目标是闯进五强,并且赢得职业比赛。Because my goal is to get into that first call out and win that pro show.