一句话瑜伽,第287期Michelle:我是一个真正相信显化之力(三个或以上的人参与祷告,上帝将会显灵)的人。I'm someone who truly believes in the power of manifestation.
我很可能是它的代言人,我已经见证了它在我生活中发生。I probably should be a spokesperson for it.I've seen it happen in my life.
我相信事情已经存在,我的“梦想板”上已经写着东西,正走进我的现实生活。I've believed things into existence.I have had things on my dream board that have been brought into my real life.
在某种程度上,我几乎发现它很可怕。我有时想欲拒还迎。In a way,I almost find it scary.I sometimes play hard to get.
如果你认为你永远无法实现你的梦想,或者因为担心被说疯了而害怕告诉别人你的目标,那么说明你还没有准备好迎接你真正想要的。If you think that youll never be able to live out your dream. Or you' re too scared to tell others your goals because you think they'll say you re crazy.Then you're not ready for what it is you truly want.
但是如果你想要它,时不我待,你应该竭力大声呼喊,感觉到它在你的骨头里。But if you want it,time will not wait fot you and you should shout to the top of your lungs.You feel it in your bones.
你不再抱怨你的境遇,因为宇宙是一只巨耳。You stop complaining about your circumstances.Because the universe is one giant ear.
它在倾听你的想法,倾听你告诉人们的事。It's listening to your thoughts.It's listening to what you tell people.
它正在倾听你的振动频率。如果你想改变你的生活,你必须意识到你对生活的态度。And it's listening to your vibration frequency.If you want to change your life you have to become aware of your attitude towards it.