一句话瑜伽,第280期Jessica Richburg:天边有那么多令人兴奋的事情浮现。There are so many exciting things looming on the horizon.
我一直是一个大梦想家。我喜欢想象,创造事物,并把它们带进我的生活。I've always been a big dreamer.. I love imagining, creating things and bringing them to life.
虽然有时我陷入自己的思维,过度思考的事情有点太多。Although sometimes I get stuck in my own head and over think things a little too much.
我经历过灵感过多的阶段,我有很多想法,很难集中精力……各种可能性变得不可收拾。I go through phases where I feel over inspired, I have so many ideas that it's bard to focus...the possibilities become overwhelming.
当我经历这些的时候,最能帮助我的是写作、列出清单以及冥想。What helps me the most when I go through this is writing,making lists and meditating.
一步一步地应对每件事情,以及记住活在当下。Taking everything one step at a time and remembering to live in the present.
当你忙于实现梦想的时候,不要忘记去品味每天的成功和快乐。Don't forget to taste the little everyday triumphs and joys while you re busy manifesting your dreams.