一句话瑜伽,第281期Belle:瑜伽让我变灵活。瑜伽使我们更灵活,无论是身体上还是精神上。YOGA MAKES ME FLEXIBLE .Yoga makes us more flexible, either physically or mentally.
1、通过练习瑜伽动作,我们打开身体,在关节中创造空间。身体学习新的活动范围,并适应这些新的运动模式。我们感到更轻松和自由!1.- By practicing asanas, we open our body and create space in our joints.The body learns new range of motions and it adapts to the these new patterns of movement.We feel lighter and free!
2、通过练习冥想,我们也可以与外部世界保持距离,学会与我们的真我相连接。通过把个人自我意识放在一边,我们开始接受真实的自己,当我们学会接受自己时,我们也学会了更有耐心,更灵活地对待自己。2 - By practicing meditation we also distance ourselves from the outer world and learn to connect with our trueself.We start to accept who we truly are, by putting our ego aside.As we learn to accept ourselves we also learn to be more patient and flexible with ourselves.
3,我们将思想扩展到我们以前无法想象的水平。我们与地球母亲和整个宇宙联系在一起。我们不再自我,但我们成为了某些更重要事情的一部分。3、 We stretch our minds to some levels we couldn't imagine before.We get connected to Mother Earth and the whole universe.We're not alone anymore, but we are part of something bigger.
我以前很怀疑,但现在认为自己无所不知是愚蠢的,如果我们不知道,就别乱猜…I used to be so skeptical before, but now I feel like I was kinda arrogant by thinking that we know everything, and if we don't know, it should not exist...
现在我适应了未知,就让它去吧。让我们感谢在这里,充分享受这个生活吧。Now I'm okay with not knowing everything, and just let it be. Let's just be grateful for being here and enjoy this life to the fullest.
至少,我的瑜伽之旅让我有所感悟。At least, this is how I feel about my journey as a yogi.
我的身体、心理和精神都比以前灵活多了。I'm physically, mentally and spiritually way more flexible than before.