一句话瑜伽,第278期Joe:我的瑜伽是我的瑜伽,你的瑜伽是你的瑜伽,虽有不同,但都是为了内心的平和。。世界和平。MY yoga is my yoga,your yoga is your yoga.different...yet the same for the inner peace.... world peace.
不要让人因为生儿为人而感到愧疚。Stop making people feel guilty for being human.
不要让人们觉得做真实的自己是不好的。Stop making people feel like shit for being who it is they truly are.
不要因为有的人体重超标,你的举止就让她感觉无地自容。Stop acting like being overweight is the worst thing that someone can be.
不要自欺欺人爱不是爱,不管涉及的人和爱为哪般。Stop pretending that love isn't love, no matter the people involved.
不要若无其事的就好像你没错,你没有伤害别人,你和那些脆弱的人不一样。Stop walking around like you don 't make mistakes, like you haven't hurt people, like you' re not just as vulnerably human as everyone else.
如果你没有什么好话可说,那就什么也别说。If you don't have anything nice to say, don 't say anything at all.
什么都不要说。仅仅是因为你能说并不代表你应该说。仅仅是因为你想说并不代表你应该说。DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL.Just because you can say something doesn't mean you should.Just because you want to say something doesn't mean you should.