走近百大冠军第179期Melissa(IFBB气质形体冠军):9月25日,我收到了来自奥林匹亚裁判的反馈。让我有了努力的方向和自信心。I received my feedback from the judges formy Olympia showing.Let me have the direction and self-confidence.
总的来说,裁判对我的头发、化妆、服装、皮肤、表现和身材都很满意。Overall they were very happy with my hair, makeup, suit, skin, presentation and shape.
她注意到我的结构和倒三角,但也指出我的脂肪含量太低了,尤其是我的下半身,并且需要集中精力增加一些背部的厚度!She noted my structure and V taper but said I was a little too lean, especially through the lower body, and to focus on adding a little more thickness to my back!
很高兴有了所有这些可以努力的方向。注意:她并没有对我扁平的臀部说什么。但我仍将尝试修炼我的臀部。All things that we knew and are excited to improve upon. NOTE: she did not say a damn thing about my flat ass .Imma still try and grow a booty though.
给所有在不久的将来参与竞争的人,甚至对于正在为实现任何目标而努力的人们。For all the people competing in the near future, or even for the people who are working towards any goal right now.
自我怀疑是每个人都会面对的野兽。感觉不够好,没准备好是正常的。self doubt is a beast that EVERYONE faces. It' s normal to not feel good enough, ready enough.
怀疑你的整个计划,质疑你是否在做对的事情或者做对的决定,都是正常的。To doubt your entire plan, to question if you're doing the right thing or making the right decisions,all that is normal.
不要怀疑,跟随你的梦想。记住去追求你想要的一切,是多么的幸运。F*CK that doubt.Follow your path to your dreams. And remember how lucky you are to be pursuing whatever it is you're pursuing.