一句话瑜伽,第273期Tova:只有镜子里面的那个人才能把我们看清。Our toughest critic is usually the one looking back at us in the mirror.
没有什么是完美的。总会有我们喜欢的元素,还有我们不喜欢的元素。Nothing is perfect. There are always going to be elements we like and others that we don't.
我们能控制的是我们如何反应、接受甚至拥抱这些方面。What we can control is how we react to, accept and maybe even embrace these aspects....
有些东西我喜欢,有些东西我不喜欢(是自我挑剔的事),但我认为我会接受两者,缺点和一切。There are things I like and things I dislike about each(being self critical of course )but thought I would just accept them both, flaws and all.
我很高兴对自己宽容……最具挑战性的东西是:我自己。and be happy with what I do love about the photos ...and most challenging of all: myself.
我们练习的深度并不一定与我们的姿势的高深有关。The depth of our practice is not necessarily correlated with the depth of our poses.
这张照片是四年前拍的,虽然我的拍照水平和后弯技术都取得了一定的进步,但我不得不说它们具有同等有意义。This photo were taken four years ago and while my picture taking and back bends have certainly progressed, I have to say that the significance and sincerity of my yoga practice was just as meaningful then as it is now.
所以请记住,不管你的姿势从外在看是怎样,真正的瑜伽是内在发生的事情。So just keep in mind that no matter what your pose looks like from the outside; true yoga is what is happening on the inside.