走近百大冠军第172期Kat(比基尼选手):今天(9月13日)非常感谢奥林匹亚让我感觉像个公主!A big thank you to Olympia for making me feel like a princess today!
这次比赛非常有趣,在备赛期间我感受到每个人如此多的爱和支持!I had so much fun doing this show and I've felt so much love and support from everyone during this prep!
我对所有的祝福、祈祷和亲切话语的感激之情,让你们难以想象。I appreciate all of the well wishes, prayers, and kind words more than any of you could ever know.
你让我感到无比的珍贵、快乐和被积极性包围着,这在今天的舞台上帮了我很大的忙!You've made me feel so incredibly valued, happy, and surrounded by positivity and that helped me so much on stage today!
我会很快回复你所有的评论,但是我更想告诉大家今天的比赛情况。I'll be getting back to all of your comments shortly, but l wanted to update everyone on how today went!
很明显,我希望能带着职卡离开,然而时候未到。Obviously I was hoping to walk away with a pro card, which didn't happen since it wasn 't my time.
但是,哥们!竞争很激烈!!!!这么多有才华又漂亮的女士优雅地登上舞台。今天,我很高兴在一群世界上最有才华的NPC选手之中闯进5强!But man! That competition was tough!!!SO many beautiful and talented ladies graced the stage.today and I'm happy to have earned a top 5 finish amongst some of the worlds most talented NPC competitors!
我肯定会继续努力改进我的所有,继续加油!是时候去修炼我的美臀了!!!!I'm definitely going to keep working to improve upon my package and keep on rocking! Time to grow the booty!!!