一句话瑜伽,第271期Terri:慢下来,你的心灵会更开阔。slow down your heart and it will expand your mind.
有时我需要提醒自己放慢速度,多一些当下。Sometimes I need to remind myself to slow down and be more present.
我总是看起来很匆忙,感觉好像“放松”意味着我变得没有价值。I always seem to be in a rush and feel as though "relaxing" means I am being unproductive.
我总是抗拒腾出时间来冥想,我想当然地认为,当我需要做其他很多事情时,我似乎在浪费时间。I always struggle to make time to meditate and I think it's because I feel as though I'm "wasting time"when there are so many other things I need to be doing.
我们都需要学会放慢脚步,别让自己活在一惊一乍中。在现实中,你越忙你就越要放松!We all need to learn to slow down and stop living life in fight or flight mode.When in reality, this is when I need it most!
享受生活。来去匆匆的你错过的不仅是风景。你甚至会忘记你将去往何方,以及为什么要去。Enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast.you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.