走近百大冠军第170期Annie:我有这个怪理论…因此我要用我的肌肉另辟蹊径。I have this theory..So I need to use my muscles to make a new path.
也许只是也许,人们发明了精神疾病。我并不是说精神疾病是虚构的。That maybe just maybe,we invented mental illness. And I don't mean invented as in its not real.
我坚信,在生命的某个时刻,我们都是受害者。我们创造了最致命的武器。或者更像是作茧自缚?I'm a strong believer that we are all victims at some point in our lives.We created the deadliest weapon.Or maybe its more of a cage?
我们陷入了典型的人与人的赛跑,一场竞赛。比赛…这是我们给自己设置的陷阱。We get so caught up in the stereotypical human Race.A Race. A competition...This is the trap we set ourselves.
我们就是这么做的。然后我们忘记好好享受美丽的风景,享受小的事情。and we make it just that. Then we forget to soak it all in and enjoy the little things.
下面的事情你懂的,你所有的朋友都讨厌他们的工作,你大学里有四分之三的课程不及格,你丈夫要和奇葩上司打交道……但这种生活就应该是正确的吗?Next thing you know, all of your friends hate their jobs,you're failing 3/4 of your college classes and your husband deals with the biggest asshole of a boss ... but that 's how life is supposed to be right?
你的孩子很沮丧,因为他们已经25岁了,仍然买不起房子——现在房子的价格几乎是你当时的两倍,如果不是的话回归日常,我们的祖父母还在工作,因为生活成本已经上涨了,养老金利率却跟不上。Your children are depressed because they're 25 and still can t afford a house - that now cost almost double, if not more, than back in your day, our grandparents are still working because cost of life has gone up and pension rates just don' t cut it.
不要陷入人与人之间的赛跑。行动吧,打破这种模式。是什么造就了你,是你?炫耀你的肌肉。Don 't just participate in the human race. Make a move.Break the pattern. What makes you, you? FLAUNT your muscle.