一句话瑜伽,第263期Sandy :几天前,我的直觉告诉我,我需要从发照片这件事中消停一下。我真高兴我倾听了我的直觉。A few days ago, I intuitively knew that I needed a little break from posting on this app.And I'm really glad I listened.
在过去的几个月里,分享我每天的练习、想法和感觉,比我想的更有力量和疗愈……Over the past few months,sharing my daily practice,thoughts,and feelings has been more empowering and healing than I could have imagined...
但是最近它开始感觉像是一件苦差事,并且我意识到在这里发照片会影响我的完美呈现。But it recently started feeling like a chore, and I recognized that my time on here was impacting my ability to stay fully present with those around me.
所以,我会听从我的直觉,允许自己进行有必要的休息,重新连接我的创造力,找到灵感。So,I will listen to my intuition and allow myself to take necessary breaks from here to reconnect with my creativity and find inspiration.
我不会强迫自己发照片如果感觉不到真实或靠谱。I will not force myself to post if it doesn't feel genuine or authentic.
当我和喜欢的人在一起时,我会选择放松休息,以及限制每天阅读时间。I will make commitments to unplug when I'm with loved ones and set scrolling time limits each day.
我将净化社交媒体空间,挑选出让我感觉有力量、有鼓舞、有连接的追随者。I will cleanse my social media space by only following accounts that make me feel empowered,inspired, and connected.
你感觉社交软件让你陷入困境了吗?你如何让自己重拾鼓舞和让自己觉得靠谱?请在下面分享。Have you felt bogged down by social media lately? How have you set limits for yourself to make sure you refeeling inspired and authentically you? Share below.