一句话瑜伽,第264期Yenny :有人攻击我:谁要知道你是如何完成这个姿势的?你内心平和吗?瑜伽不是让你来炫耀和比较的。Who really cares that you can execute this pose?Do you have inner peace? Share yoga in a way that isn't showing off or competitive.
如果你认为自己平和,你就不会为别人的所作所为而烦恼。如果你想不落人后,那就提高自己,而不是攻击别人。If you think what you do is enough,you won't be bothered with what other people do.If you don't want to be left behind, improve yourself instead of attacking others.
古代瑜珈师也做过这些进阶姿势.你能说他们内心不平和吗?Ancient yogis did advanced poses,too.Would you say they don't have inner peace?
我为什么要写这个?你好好揣摩我说的话。我会继续做我的瑜伽,随你怎么说。Why am I writing this? Scroll and read for yourself.I will keep doing my yoga and you can keep saying what you want.
我想对所有支持我的人表示感谢。I wanna express my gratitude to all of you who have left positive comments on my post about the hateful comment I received.
这不是第一次,也不会是最后一次有人对我说粗话,这种事情从来都不会困扰我。It wasn't the first time and won't be the last time someone throws rude words at me and this kind of things never bothers me.
事实上,我认为这很有趣。这露出了她们的真面目……它会激励我去做他们不喜欢的事情。In fact, I think it's funny.It shows who they really are...and it motivates me to do just what they hate.
我很高兴大多数人都是通情达理的(我已经喜笑颜开),所以,非常感谢你们。But reading your kind words made me happier ( er I am already happy).So,thank you so much.