一句话瑜伽,第260期Briohny(下) :我努力与他人建立联系,参加学校的家长活动,甚至在我累的时候进行社交活动。I make an effort to connect with others,join in on parent events at school, and socialize even when I'm tired.
我甚至在努力工作,腾出更多的时间给自己!I'm even working hard on making more time for myself!
你寻求的力量和信心来自哪里?Where did this strength and confidence come from you ask?
嗯,我确实觉得这与年龄和生活经验有关(我现在35岁了,所以我肯定希望我比15岁的时候更成熟!)Well, I do feel like a bit of it has to do with age and experience in life (I'm 35 now so I sure as hell hope I'm more mature than I was at 15!)
我的成长很多是归功于瑜伽。I also attribute a lot of my growth to Yoga.
这些身体上的成就让我觉得自己很强壮、有能力。The physical achievements have helped me see myself as strong and capable.
冥想让我敢于挑战不可能的任务。and the meditations facilitate a daily connection to the awesomeness I possess underneath my learned programming and labels.
瑜伽是如何帮助你的?How has yoga helped you?