走近百大冠军160期Gillian:2018年8月30日NPC北美赛匹兹堡健美现场,我排名第十。带着最好的自己来参加这个秀,而且选手阵容很强大!Tenth place here in Pittsburgh at the npcnorthamericans I brought my very best to this show and the line up was tough!
我非常自豪和幸运地能在美国、墨西哥和加拿大最好的运动员之间比拼!I am so proud and fortunate to compete among the best athletes in the United States, Mexico and Canada!
准备这个比赛是一个惊人的旅程,我重来没想过自己能成长成这样。This has been an amazing journey preparing for this contest and I' ve grown in ways I never thought possible.
我最后一次参加national比赛是在9年前(这是2009年北美健美比赛的照片)。The last time I competed at a national show was 9 years ago (swipe wayyy over for pics of the 2009 North Americans).
随着时间的流逝始终不变,在健身房里不断的成长和塑造已经在很多方面得到了回报,无论在身体上还是在精神上/情感上,今年我需要为自己设置目标,使我从生活中相当困难的时期中恢复过来。Continuing to grow and build in the gym consistently over time has paid off in more ways than I can count, both physically and spiritually/emotionally I needed this goal for myself this year to bring me back from a pretty difficult time in my life.
我最大的目标一直是激励别人,尤其是其他妈妈!女孩们,我在这里告诉你们,如果你们有一个目标,你们相信自己,如果你们不放弃的话你们可以做到的!!My greatest goal has always been to inspire others,especially other moms! Girls, I' m here to tell you that if you have a goal and you believe in yourself, you can achieve it if you don' t give up!!
我将享受在匹兹堡剩下的时间,吃一些汉堡。I'm going to enjoy the rest of my time here in Pittsburgh with some burgers.
感谢每一位留言或是祝福我的人!我非常感谢大家的支持。Thank you to every single person who sent a message or good vibes my way! I'm so grateful for the support.