走近百大冠军153期Stacey Lauren:健美让我的身体很棒,当妈妈让我的身体再次棒棒的。Bodybuilding makes my body great and Mom Makes my Body Great Again.
我甚至无法告诉你们,当我和我的两个孩子外出到公共场所或者去学校接他们时,有多少人盯着我们看。I couldn't even tell y'all how many looks and stares I get(everyday) when I'm out with my 2 kids in public or when picking them up from school.
我尽量不把它看成是个人问题,因为我明白看到一个身材高大、撕裂、肌肉发达的女人带着两个小孩四处走动会让一般人感到吃惊。I try not to take it personally because I do understand that it can be shocking to the average person to see a tall, shredded and muscular woman walking around with 2 small children.
这“不科学”。考虑到大多数母亲在有孩子之后,在身体上和精神上选择放飞自我。it ' s just not the norm. Considering majority of moms let themselves go both physically and mentally after having children.
嘿,相信我,我懂得!做一个妈妈是很难的!很难在你给的,和孩子所需要的爱和关注之间找到平衡,但也要花时间去爱和关心自己。And hey trust me, I GET lT!! Being a mom is TOUGH! It can be hard to find that balance between giving your children the love and attention they need, but also taking the time to love and care for yourself.
但绝对可以做到!为自己腾出时间是可以的!!It absolutely can be done though! Its ok to take time for yourself!!
有时候,我觉得我的肌肉会给家人带来压力。但看来是我想多了。Sometimes, I feel that my muscles are putting pressure on my family. But it seems that I think too much.
嘿。我儿子认为很酷,当班里的孩子看到我有肌肉时都很兴奋。And hey. my son thinks it's hella cool when the kids in his class get all excited when they see I have muscles.