一句话瑜伽,第253期Pia :有时,当我怀疑,是否我足够强大,能够应付生活带来的各种可能。Sometimes when I wonder, if I am strong enough to handle all that life potentially brings to my door step.
我想所有的事情,可能你们也是,已经历练地够多了。I think of all the things that I - and probably all of you - have gone through already up until this point.
所有大的和小的障碍把我们历练成今天的模样。All the big and the little obstacles that have shaped us into exactly the person we are today.
当你回首充满挑战性的情景时,你可能会记得,第一眼总是觉得,它似乎太难应付了。When you look back at any challenging situation, you probably remember that it always seems to be too much to handle at first glance.
但是,当你真正置身其中,并计划好接下来要采取的小步骤时,这座山就变得不那么可怕,也不那么难以驾驭了。but then when you are actually in it and you lay out the next small steps to take in that moment, the mountain becomes less scary and less unmanageable.
有时候,对自己有点信心也是有帮助的。机会是,如果你已经做了这么多了,成功离你也就不远了。And sometimes it helps to have a little faith in yourself too.if you have made it this far, you will make it through this one too.
对于每一座你必须面对的山,你将获得更多的工具和经验来攀登它们。And for every mountain you have to face, you will gain more tools and experience to climb them.
只要踏实肯干,我们的功力会有增无减。And while we are at it, it can't hurt to perfect our climbing skills.