走近百大冠军150期Amanda:左边正是我在2009年第一次参加NPC健美秀的时候,那年NPC第一次设置比基尼类比赛,我把第一名带回家。右边则是去年奥林匹亚比基尼比赛现场。The pic on the left is from my very 1st NPC show in 2009, the first year the NPC added the bikini division, which I took home 1st place and the pic on the right was from last years Bikini Olympia.
我只想告诉你,比基尼健美比赛从开始以来有多大的变化。It just shows you how much the bikini division has changed since its start.
到目前为止,在我的职业生涯中,我累计参加33个秀,其中22次拿到冠军,这里边10个是职业冠军。In my career so far, my stats are 33 shows, 22 of those being lst places, and 10 of those being Pro wins.
从2003开始,我就一直在比赛。我不仅对健美行业的职业生涯有着十足的兴趣,且很高兴做一颗健美常青树。I've been competing since 2003.I'm soooo beyond grateful to have not only a career in the industry but longevity In the sport.
自从2010第一届奥林匹亚比基尼开赛以来,无论是在舞台上还是舞台下,我都有幸的成为奥林匹亚的一份子。Each year since the 1st Bikini Olympia in 2010, I've been blessed to be part of the O whether onstage , backstage or both.
2010,我参加了比赛。2011当主持。2012参赛并在决赛唱国歌。2013参赛。2014年既是NBC体育赛事主持又参加比赛。In 2010, I competed. 2011 hosted. 2012 competed and sang the National Anthem at the finals. 2013 competed.2014 hosted for NBC Sports as well as competed.
今年,我并没有参加比赛,但我非常激动,不仅成为奥林匹亚的评委,期间还为杂志挑选男子和女子模特(奥林匹亚开启了我的职业生涯)。This year, I am not competing but I'm soooo excited to not only be a part of the judging panel for both the male Muscle& Fitness and female FLEX model searches during the Olympia (the show that launched my career) .
永远感激Robin Chang和IFBB/NPC。Always grateful to Robin Chang and the IFBB/NPC.