一句话瑜伽,第250期Taylor:为什么你喜欢在户外练习,或者为什么你要练习?Why do you like to practice outside or why would you like to start to?
我喜欢在户外练习瑜伽,因为我感到自由好玩,这是我在室内感觉不到的。I love practicing outside because I feel this freedom and play that I don't necessarily feel when I'm indoors.
似乎让我的瑜伽练习不那么严肃。It's as if the serious side of my practice takes a backseat.
反而这就像是一个孩子。在我最初的8年练习中,我非常认真地对待它,而这并不是一件坏事。Instead it's just like being a kid.For my first 8 years of practicing I took it very seriously,which isn't a bad thing.
我从一次重伤中恢复过来,所以我需要悉心照顾我的身体。I was recovering from a serious injury.So I needed be very diligent and watchful with my body.
因此那段时间,我的瑜伽之旅格外保守。That's where I needed to be at that time during my yoga journey.
现在我需要更多的玩耍,阳光,停止让生活包括我自己那么地严肃。Now I need more play, sunshine,and to stop taking life - including myself - so seriously.
这是关于拥抱我的头发中的沙子,自然而然的,不用担心有人来管我。It 's about embracing getting the sand in my hair, about being spontaneous, and not caring who is watching me.
这是自由。这很有趣。另外,我喜欢摄影师朋友在我摆姿势时给我的笑声和摇头……然后戴上太阳镜,因为我对着太阳做了有趣的眯眯眼表情>_<。It's freedom. It's fun.PS I love the laugh and shaking of the head I got from my photographer buddy when I moved into this pose...and then putting on the sunglasses since I was making funny squinting faces at the sun.