近百大冠军144期Kasha:这个周末(7月28日)真的让我兴奋地开启我人生的新篇章。This weekend has truly made me excited to start this new chapter of my life.
今年我大学毕业,订婚了,并且成为IFBB职业比基尼选手……This year I graduated from college, got engaged, and became and IFBB bikini pro...
现在我期待着成为一名妻子,商务人士,并继续成长为一名比基尼健美运动员。Now I get to look forward to becoming a wife, a business professional, and continue growing as a bikini athlete.
就我的首次亮相来说,我正计划在一场接一场的比赛中努力打进联赛。As far as my pro debut goes, I'm planning on hitting the league hard with back to back shows.
一言既出,我需要花一年左右的时间来塑造以及把一个有竞争力的体格带上职业舞台(相信我,我打算直接跳进大型健美秀,因为我渴望挑战)With that being said I need to take about a year or so off to build & bring a competitive physique to the pro stage ( Believe me, I plan on diving right into big shows because I CRAVE challenge)
从2016年底开始,我一直在节食,而且之前从没经历过超过四个月的非赛季(这对你的身体来说压力非常大),但是我的竞争天性让我坚持不懈,直到成为一名职业选手。I've been dieting pretty much consistently since the end of 2016 and haven't taken an off season that was longer than 4 months (which is extremely stressful on your body) , but my competitive nature made me keep pushing till I became a pro.
我迫不及待地想分享我在舞台上的梦想和计划。I cant wait to share my big dreams and plans I have for my future on the stage!
但是现在,我打算嫁给我生命中最爱的人,实现一些商业目标,以及像个冠军一样去训练。But for now I'm planning on marrying the love of my life johnnymerc , hitting some business goals, and training like a damn champion.