一句话瑜伽,第241期Joan:和平不能通过暴力来实现,只有通过理解才能实现。——(拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生)Peace can not be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.—(WaldoEmerson)
我想这句话在每一种情况下都是有用的。I guess these words can be useful in every single situation.
不管是一段恋爱,工作,甚至我们自己的瑜伽动作。whether it's a relationship, the job, asanas our even yourself.
现在别想着得到所有,强扭的瓜不甜。Instead we want everything now.Nothing that is forced will work out or last long.
有时候,你只需要花一点时间,呼吸,找到一个美丽的地方,什么都不想。Sometimes you just have to take a moment to relax, breathe, find a beautiful spot and not think.
有时候,有些事情值得你去追求——即使他们需要时间。Sometimes things are worth dealing with more intensely - even if they take time.
如果你真正理解它背后的意思和意义,并把它们完全放在心上。And if you truly understand the sense and meaning behind it and take them completely to heart.
我向你保证,你将达成你的目标和内心的平和。I promise you, you will reach your goal and peace.