近百大冠军134期Carly Sterling:生活的一堂课。a life lesson.
1。如果你为周末和度假而生,你会完蛋。1. If you live for weekends and vacations, your sh!t is broken.
2。不要妄自菲薄,因为别人已经瞄准你的弱点虎视眈眈。2. Don 't dwell on your weaknesses, everybody else is doing that for you.
3。不要在无关紧要的事情上浪费一点精力。3. Spend 0% of your energy on things that don 't matter.
4。在我这里没有委曲求全这四个字。4. There is no reason to do sh!t you hate. NONE.
5。这不是关于你得到多少睡眠,而是关于你清醒时能做什么。5. It's not about how much sleep you get, it 's about what you do when your awake.
6。后退一步…往事值得回味。6. Take a step back..... now think about how awesome it really is.
7。前事不忘后事之师。7. Make every decision based on your last 10 years of life instead of the next 10.