走近百大冠军127期Haylee(气质形体选手):今晚(7月30日)在拉斯维加斯,在全国最负盛名的国民健美比赛,我获得了我的组的第一名,并获得了我的IFBB职业卡!Tonight in Las Vegas, at one of the most prestigious National shows in the country, I got lst place in my class and earned my IFBB Pro Card!
我还是完全说不出话来。我不敢相信我的梦想,在我4年来不知疲倦的努力下终于实现了。I am still completely speechless. I cannot believe that my dreams and what I' ve worked for tirelessly for the past 4 years have finally come true.
非常感谢你们今晚收到的所有信息和祝贺。我非常感激我得到无尽的支持。Thank you so much for all of the messages and congratulations I' ve received tonight. I am so grateful for all of the endless support that I' ve received.
如果没有我的朋友和家人,我就不会在这里。我有很多人要特别感谢。Without my friends and family, I wouldn't be here..I have many people to thank specifically.
我对所有的祝贺都感到无比的谦卑和感激。and I a m so incredibly humbled and appreciative for all of the congratulations.
你需要一个完整的幕后团队来完成这样的事情。It takes an entire team of people behind you to accomplish something like this.
这次的胜利不会是终点,我会再接再厉。人生得意须尽欢。This victory will not be the end. I will make persistent efforts. Life has to be happy.
今晚我会玩得很开心,庆祝我最大的梦想之一成为现实。I'll be enjoying myself tonight and celebrating one of my biggest dreams coming true.