走近百大冠军128期Amanda:我知道我和你不一样。我宁愿隐藏,也不愿被忽视,不想委曲求全。I know I'm not the same as you. I'd rather be faceless than ignored Than be in the in-crowd desperate for A way to fit in a little more.
我是个局外人,我不关心人群,我不想成为任何人的风景。I' m an outsider.I don't care about the in-crowd.I don't want to be anybody ' s scene.
我不相信你所相信的,就算暗无天日也比虚伪强。I don't believe what you believeId,rather be faceless in the dark Than be so fake.
开始不知道我将如何进行我的锻炼。Started off not knowing how I was going to make it through my workout.
一旦我到达那里,血液开始流动,我感觉非常神奇。心大于物。Once I got there and the blood started flowing.I felt fucking fantastic.Mind over matter.
你的心远早于你的身体想要放弃。那些最想成功的人,明白如何关闭内心深处想要放弃的声音。Your mind is going to give in long before your body will.Those who want it most, learn how to shut off that little voice inside telling you to quite.
你不能对一具完美的形体说三道四。我只为自己代言。You can't question the work ethic of a well sculpted physique. I speak for myself.
我从不想被问,你愿意为健美付出多少。我希望能用结果说话。I never want to be questioned on how hard I' m willing to work for it. I want the results to speak for themselves.