一句话瑜伽,第227期Adriana:当我第一次开始有规律的练习瑜伽时,它给了我重新连接精神的一个出口。When I first started regularly practicing yoga, it gave me an outlet to reconnect to my spirit.
瑜伽让我在生活中同样获益良多。I've learned on the mat that have served me off the mat.
1.要有耐心。一切会水到渠成。1 Be patient. Everything happens in its own time.
2.要善良。恶行无所获。2 Be kind. Nothing worth while is ever achieved with malice.
3.倾听。你的身体,包容自己,特别是包容别人。3 Listen. To your body, to the thoughts you allow to imprint your mind, but especially to others.
4.大爱无边。因为爱别人等于爱自己。4 Love. Without boundaries or borders. Because when you give love to others, you give love to yourself.
5.平衡。虽然你能平衡你的身体,并不意味着你可以平衡你的生活。5 Balance. Just because you can balance on your hands,doesn 't mean you have balance in your life.
瑜伽与生活都力图创造平衡。Seek to create balance both on and off the mat.