一句话瑜伽,第229期Carmen: 瑜伽教给我们力量,但不只是身体的力量。Yoga teaches us strength.But not just strength for the body.
它教给我们捍卫正义的力量。It teaches us the strength to stand up for what is right.
它教导我们坚持一个强大的道德准则,坚定我们的信念,拥有沉着冷静的心灵。It teaches us to adhere to a strong moral code, to be firm in our beliefs, to have a calm &steady mind.
瑜伽教会我们柔韧,但不仅仅是身体的柔韧性。它教我们要有包容的心灵。Yoga teaches us flexibility.But not just flexibility for the body. It teaches us to have an open mind.
要敞开心扉,愿意倾听反对的观点,这样我们就可以基于客观的事实来形成自己的观点。To be open&willing to listen to views that oppose our own so that we can form our opinions based on unbiased facts.
瑜伽的练习不只是你身体的姿势。这是关于下了瑜伽垫你在做什么。The practice of yoga is not just about poses you make with your body. It 's about what you do off the mat.
瑜伽练习教导我们成为一个完整、完全、富有同情心的人。This practice teaches us to be whole, complete, and compassionate human beings.
如果你从练习中一无所获,那么首先你要学会做一个慈悲的人。If you learn nothing else from your practice, learn to be compassionate first &foremost.