走近百大冠军109期Ashley(比基尼):我的6种减肥方法(饮食与营养篇)。My 6 nutrition/dieting tips forblasting fat.
1。多喝水。Drink plenty of water.
2。淘汰空热量。(empty calories)指含有高热量,却只含有少量或缺乏基本维生素、矿物质和蛋白质。Eliminate empty calories.
3。只有在你真正饿了的时候吃东西,管住嘴,不要总是惦记着吃东西。Only eat when you are truly hungry, and don't get hunger confused with cravings.
4。允许自己每周吃一顿欺骗餐。这会防止你在一周内过度进食,它会让你觉得有所期待。它会让你保持理智。 Allow yourself one cheat meal per week.This will prevent you from over eating during the week and it gives you something to look forward to. It will keep you mentally sane.
5。绝不要速效减肥。要步步为营。Never crash diet. Slow and steady wins the race. .
6。提前备餐未雨绸缪,这会防止你在饥饿的时候做出错误的选择。我也喜欢在我的包里放一些蛋白粉,如果我要离家几个小时,我需要一点来提神。事实上,当我跑步的时候,我喜欢在冰咖啡里混合蛋白粉。Have your meals already prepared. This will prevent your from making bad choices when you are hungry.I also like to keep some protein powder in my purse if I' m going to be away from home for a few hours and I need a little pick me up.In fact, I love to mix Protein powder in my iced coffee when I' m on the run.