一句话瑜伽,第208期Janice:这是一个值得庆祝的日子(6月21日国际瑜伽日)!It's a day to celebrate!
因为真的,如果你想一想,世界各地的人们在同一时间做着各种各样的瑜伽,真是太神奇了。Because really, if you think about it,it's amazing how all over the world people are practicing all kinds of yoga at the same time.
你知道吗?我第一次发现瑜伽是在北京,我走进了我的第一节瑜伽课,作为一个17岁的厌食症少女,僵硬无比,以及大量的坏脾气。Did you know? I first found yoga in Asia (Beijing)I stepped into my first yoga class as a 17 year old anorexic,stiff as hell and a whole lot ofanger issues.
因为这是我第一次上瑜伽课,我不知道这些姿势是什么,事实上在知道英文之前,用中文来说是“下犬式”(Xià quãn shi)。Since it was my first yoga class I had no idea what the poses were called, in fact I learned downdog as: (Xià quãn shi)before I learned it in English.
我并没有马上变成一个快乐、热爱生活的瑜伽修行者(事实上,第一堂课让我感到愤怒和沮丧)——花了一周的时间去尝试不同的课程。By no means was I immediately transformed into a happy,life-loving yogi (in fact the first class just made me angrier and frustrated) - it took a week of trying out different classes.
当我最终感觉到以呼吸与身体的连接为切入点——我感觉到可见,我感觉到探索,我感觉到被关心。When I finally felt connection of breath to body in myfirstassist-i felt seen, i felt discovery, i felt cared for.
连接(内在的自己与外在的他人)——比任何精彩的瑜伽姿势都更有力量。Connection (internally of self and externally with others) -is more powerful than any impressivephysical asana.
因此在这一天,全世界所有的瑜伽人士都在庆祝连接——连接你自己和他人。So on this day, as all of yogis around the world celebrate connection - to yourself and to each other.